Caspar Berger

Point of View

The context from which you view the world determines your interpretation of a situation. The question is how voluntary your interpretation is, and whether you’re aware of it. This case has the shape of a kneeling man. It has a color that is deliberately chosen. It is the color orange of the overalls worn both by a Guantanamo Bay prisoner and also of those held hostage by ISIS, the terror movement. One of ISIS most famous hostages was the American press photographer James Wright Foley. In 2014, ISIS distributed videos of him on his knees, wearing an orange overall, with the aim of instilling fear.

This typical orange color represents the inhumanity in both environments, with whatever “Point of View” is overshadowed by endless suffering. Both situations are disconnected from any legal or judicial order and therefore lead to hardening and inhumanity where the perspective of the whole is lost sight of.

We don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are